Diversity (other communities)

available in English and Romanian

This workshop is aimed at everybody who wants to know more or share experiences in regards to the communities and cultures that surround us. It creates a safe space for those who are curious to discover or simply have questions regarding sensitive matters.

This workshop integrates two equally important parts. We answer questions and discuss and we also have follow ups.

The main theme is acceptance – related to any aspect of our lives.

We encourage everyone to keep in touch with us and maybe find a friendship that lasts for a lifetime.

Your guide for this workshop is Sergiu 🙂

We will focus on and talk about:

  • vulnerable groups
  • debunking myths and outdated perceptions
  • the historical background that shaped some of the communities or that resulted in certain social movements
  • ways in which we can be more open and understanding in relation to the people that surround us

The timetable for this workshop is flexible, depending on the preferences of the participants.

Are you interested?

You can apply now by sending an email to the address below or by filling in the form on the right.

We promise to answer within a day!

If you like what we are doing and want to support us, please consider hitting the donation button!

[contact-field label="Name of Student(s)" required="1" type="name"/] [contact-field label="Student(s) Age" required="1" type="text"/] [contact-field label="Email of Student/ Guardian" required="1" type="email"/] [contact-field label="WhatsApp number for further communication" type="telephone"/] [contact-field label="When do you want to start?" required="1" type="date"/] [contact-field label="Do you have a question for us?" type="textarea"/] [contact-field label="I have read and agreed!" required="1" type="checkbox"/]

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