Hello there. This is Ruxandra speaking. I trust that this message finds you well, happy and healthy.
This project has just been born, right in the middle of difficult times for all of us. During this pandemic, most of us are probably stuck inside our homes. But what if… we can create and emerge new connections and different styles of living? How about adapting and renewing the way we communicate? Let’s start with ourselves. And let’s make it fun.
First of all, let’s make it online. For free. For everybody. Alright, hear me out:
I’m Ruxa and connecting deeper with the world has always been important to me, since I was a child. Looking around, I’ve learnt that I’m not the only one.
I’ve found the way to talk to the child within me and, believe me or not, I have realised that it resonates with a lot of young people that I’ve met. Lucky me! So I’ve decided to pursue this path. It changed MY life, so it must be true.
Two years ago I created a class of communication and my goal back then was to offer an environment for children and teenagers to gain confidence and lose the fear of expression. Together we have discovered the power of friendship within our trustworthy group, and soon enough we were mastering a flow of connection unknown for most of us; I was hooked, and this is how I’ve come to do this project.
I’m confident that this is what I can contribute with in this world, therefore, the courses that my team and I are offering are free for everybody on this planet. If you believe in our cause or if you want to help and become a vector of this project, boost our project with a donation. You’ll help build the following:
- a proper website with a professional domain
- development of working materials for individual work at home
- more staff, more training & giving incentives to the volunteer team
- meeting in person in our future headquarters
- branching out internationally
- appreciate the team and boost our cause